Micron  Precision  Technologies, Inc.


MPT combination of experience and knowledge.

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Picture: Blow Molding parts

Micron Precision Technologies provides service on custom manufacturing and engineering. Our goal is to improve quality and reduce costs to the customer.  Customers will appreciate our   higher precision products, particularly in the area of optics.

Picture: flow Cells


Our engineering and customer support team will help our customers identify parts and components that are relatively expensive or difficult to produce. Having defined specification and requirements, we will then embark on a feasibility study to determine the viability and economics for the customer.

Project samples will be provided for customers' evaluation and final approval. Upon approval, we will begin a manufacturing scale up of the part.  The process however does not stop here! Our QC department will drive to eliminate manufacturing defects.  Our engineering team will help continue to work with customers to improve the overall quality and performance of the product.

Picture: opticsBy utilizing global manufacturing resources and an elite engineering team, MPT has established long term relationships with manufacturers of ISO 9001. Our advanced engineers and scientists are working to support a strong technology base. The combination of experience and knowledge make us a cutting edge company.

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